We currently partner with Phoenix Dream Center, Hope Women’s Center, and Prison Aftercare, where we are leading this recovery and discipleship program at each women’s center. Our program focuses on freedom from strongholds, tearing down lies and replacing with the truth of God’s Word. We want to see vulnerable women set free for abundant life in Jesus.
Phoenix Dream Center

Phoenix Dream Center was founded in 2002 to stop human trafficking through residential life recovery programs and community outreach services.
Brilliant Light Ministries provides the women’s recovery and discipleship class every week on Thursday afternoons. This class focuses on topics related to the women’s Identity as beloved princess warrior daughters of God. Topics include how to tear down strongholds like anger, fear, rejection, generational patterns, and addiction.
Hope Women’s Center

Hope Women’s Center was founded in the Phoenix area in 1984 with a mission to engage, encourage, and equip vulnerable women by providing support for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Their Christ-based center provides recovery, support groups, discipleship, and life skills classes for women. They also provide classes to help women who have open DCS cases (Holistic Parenting, Domestic Violence Recovery, Anger Management). Hope Women’s Center provides a store with clothing for women and their children, and with supplies like diapers and baby formula. Women earn points by taking classes, and they can buy items from the store using their points.
Brilliant Light Ministries provides a weekly Celebrate Recovery class at Hope Women’s Center. There is a large hispanic population in the area, so the class is taught with an interpreter and with Celebrate Recovery lesson materials and worship songs provided in both Spanish and English.