December, 2019

Dec 2, 2019

Let us glorify the Lord together, and praise His holy name! With hearts filled with joy, we want to share this ministry update with you.
Urban Outreach HOPE Transition Home:
HOPE (Helping Overcome Painful Events) Home is rescuing pregnant women off the streets of Phoenix, as they are very vulnerable. We are providing a discipleship and recovery program every week for the women in the HOPE home. One of the women had her baby 2 months ago, and two of the women are due in January/February. Praise God for providing a job for the lady who had her baby. Over the last two months, we have seen the hearts of these women slowly opening up to God’s love for them. We are also praising God for providing Joanne (pictured below) to come and work with us at the HOPE home, and she will cover the ministry program while we are in India. The Lord continues to amaze us every day with his provision.Homeless Outreach and Worship Service:
The homeless and poor gather near Van Buren Street in Phoenix for a weekly worship service, hot meal, and clothing. We served a special Christmas turkey dinner on December 23, and blankets were donated to provide to the homeless. After the message, some of them came forward for prayer. This is always a special time of ministry.
Worship Service at Crossroads Women’s Rehab:
Crossroads 360 is a public residential women’s drug rehab center, where God has placed Christians in strategic positions of leadership who opened the door for a weekly worship service for the residents. The service is not mandatory, yet about half the residents come every week. The service includes worship, a message, and prayer for the women afterwards. The women who come for prayer are in desperate life situations, tears are shed, and God is powerfully at work. We are partnering with IdentiFreed and founder, Carrie Bradley, in this ministry (pictured here). IdentiFreed stands for “identified by adoption into God’s family and freed by grace.”

Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:10-11 (ESV)