August 2019

Aug 2, 2019

Brilliant Light International ministry belongs to the Lord. He has spoken many promises over the ministry through His Word reflected above, and we are so excited to share with you all that God is doing.
Brilliant Light has been ministering to the homeless in Phoenix, Arizona every week by helping to provide an outdoor worship service, hot cooked meals, and clothing. The homeless often feel like they don’t belong in a normal church building, so we bring church to them. We sing, we share the Word of God, and pray for those who want prayer. We build relationships with them and remember their names. God is working in their hearts and a number of them have surrendered their lives to Jesus. Pray for us, as we would like to start a Bible Study with them, and we are praying for a “person of peace” from among them to step up and help. Drug addiction continues to be a challenge for some of them, so we pray they would surrender to Jesus and break free from these chains.PHOENIX DREAM CENTER
Brilliant Light has been ministering to women at the Phoenix Dream Center to aid in their recovery from abuse, addiction, and spiritual bondage. We have about 45 women each week. We include worship songs, discipleship teaching, and prayer with the women one-on-one afterwards.We have been teaching on freedom from strongholds and their identity in Christ. God is transforming their lives as they tear down the lies they had believed about themselves and about God’s character and replace the lies with the truth of God’s Word.
We praise God for strengthening our partnership with the Dream Center. Recently the Clinical Services Director wrote, “Ruth has shown herself to be such a valuable asset to the Phoenix Dream Center Women. She is kind, generous and consistently faithful. She teaches boldly in truth and love. . . . We love you!!!”
Will you praise God with us for all He has done? I am excited to see what God still has in store for these women in recovery.Would you prayerfully consider being part of the team?We are praying for partners to join the team through prayer and financial support.
1. Discipleship, mentoring, and prayer ministry at the Homeless outreach, at the Phoenix Dream Center, at the Crossroads drug rehab center, and other women who God is regularly bringing to us for mentoring in their walk with the Lord.
2. Pray for protection in spiritual warfare.
3. Pray for the continued ministry in India. In addition to evangelism and discipleship, we are working with the pastors in the slums of Delhi to prepare a plan for economic empowerment for women in the slums. We are seeking God on preparations for the next India ministry trip.

If you would like to join our prayer team, you can send an email directly from this email to let us know, and special prayer requests will be shared with our prayer partners. Thank you so much!“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3