Our Mission & Vision
Brilliant Light Ministries is helping women who are suffering – from emotional and physical abuse, addiction, and human trafficking. Even after a physical rescue, many women still feel helpless, worthless, and unlovable.
Brilliant Light Ministries provides interactive recovery classes, mentoring, and training for vulnerable women. We do this by partnering with existing recovery shelters to provide recovery programs at no cost to the women.
Vulnerable women are restored to abundant life in Jesus.

OUR Core Values
Love is the greatest commandment and love compels us to serve the “least of these,” the downcast, the marginalized, the brokenhearted.
The engine that runs the ministry. Little prayer, little power; no prayer, no power.
Helping women to see their identity in Christ; helping women dismantle lies about their identity and replace with truth from God’s Word.
Life transformation
Restoring vulnerable women to abundant life in Jesus.

OUR Founder
“Lord, what name do you call me?” I asked the Lord in prayer.
“Grandmother to women,” the Lord said.
I thought, “What? Grandmother!?” It was February, 2012. I knew the Lord was calling me into ministry to brokenhearted women. At first, I wasn’t sure what Grandmother meant until a prayer warrior looked me straight in the eyes that day and said, “Ruth, Grandmother stands for wisdom, knowledge, and unconditional love.”
Now as I reflect on the ministry role of “Grandmother to women,” I am certain the Lord is not calling Brilliant Light ministries to open another women’s shelter or to be a “House Mom” but rather to be “Grandmother” to women.
Ruth is the Founder and President of Brilliant Light International, a ministry to restore vulnerable women to abundant life in Jesus. She also serves on the Board of Advisors for the Salvation Army in Tempe, Arizona. Ruth has 3 years of training in Celebrate Recovery and Codependency recovery, and is an active member of the AZ-TIFC (Arizona Trauma Informed Faith Community). She has been leading women’s small groups and Bible Studies for 25 years, has worked as a volunteer for 7 years at StreetLight, for 5 years with the homeless community, and during past three years has taught recovery and discipleship classes for vulnerable women at the Phoenix Dream Center, Hope Women’s Center, and Alongside Ministries. This class focuses on the women’s Identity as the Lord’s beloved daughters. Topics include how to tear down strongholds like anger, fear, rejection, generational patterns, and addiction.
Being a “Grandmother to women” implies multiple generations of spiritual children. Women find healing in mind, soul, and spirit, and they also begin to restore women to abundant life in Jesus..